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Maths Feast

Recently pupils from Year 10 competed in a national mathematics competition held at Lancaster University. The competition combined mathematical, communication and teamwork skills. The pupils were competing against thirteen other teams including grammar schools. The Our Lady’s team did extremely well and came second in the …


Mental Health Awareness Week

Although it has been Mental Health Awareness Week nationally this week, we are respecting it next week. On Tuesday 15th May, at 10:59, for the first time in history, hundreds of radio stations across the UK came together to broadcast the #MentalHealthMinute –  a one-minute message from …


School Therapy Dog

After half-term, we will begin training a cockapoo puppy as our school therapy dog. Dogs have been scientifically proven to improve health (both physical and mental), to develop responsibility in children and to provide love and companionship. For the first 8 weeks the puppy will be …


Dance Competition

Eight of our pupils attended a Dance competition held at Fulwood Academy last night. There were 12 acts from 5 different schools and our year 9 group came a well deserved 3rd place, winning a medal each and a trophy. The pupils were well supported by …


World Maths Day

Recently all key stage 3 pupils competed in the World Maths Day event. The online competition, last held in 2015, involved pupils from our school competing against similar age pupils from around the world. During the one day event pupils answered 175 380 questions in …


Artsmark Platinum Award

Our Lady’s Catholic High School have achieved the Artsmark Platinum Award, the highest accolade from the Arts Council England. Click on the link below to enjoy reading this uplifting article about life at Our Lady’s, as featured in ‘The Guardian’. Guardian Artsmark Platinum Award PDF


RHS School Gardening Award – Level 2

The Marafiki Gardening Club has been awarded the Level 2 RHS School Gardening Award, which includes a certificate and a Royal Horticultural Society text book called ‘How To Grow Practically Everything’. The application for the award was written by pupils in Year 8: Zoya Khan, …


Outward Bound Trip

On the 5th of February 12 excited year 9 boys, accompanied by Miss McNeela and Miss Key, travelled to Howtown Outward Bound for a week of adventurous challenges which would push their teamwork, leadership and resilience to the limits. Within minutes of arriving the boys were …


Careers Fair

On Wednesday we held our 3rd annual Careers Fair in the Arts Theatre for all Year 10 pupils along with those in Year 11 who are currently looking for employment and training. We had over 24 employers and higher and further education providers, the most …


Online Safety Information Evening

Are you worried about your child’s use of the internet? Struggling to keep up with all the changes in the virtual world? With the advancement of the digital world and the ever-increasing use of social media platforms, the job of guiding our children and keeping …