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Year 7 Rewards Trip: Flip Out

On Tuesday, Year 7 pupils enjoyed a trip to Flip Out as a reward for their good behaviour and attendance.

Year 10 Futures Day

On Tuesday, 4th April, we had a number of representatives from HSBC to deliver their UK Financial Education Programme to Year 10. Pupils...

Year 7: Basketball

The Year 7 basketball team played tremendously well in a strong victory against St Wilfrid’s CE Academy on Monday 3rd April. The game...

Year 10: Textiles Visit

The year 10 (GCSE textiles) class went to visit a local textiles manufacturer last week to see a working factory first-hand. Pupils were...

Charity Netball Match: Staff v Pupils

The highly anticipated re-match of staff versus Year 10 and 11 (mixed netball teams) took place during Monday lunchtime. Staff were eager for...

Year 8: Extended Reward Break

Yesterday, Year 8 were rewarded for their outstanding behaviour and positive attitude to learning this term with an extended break. Pupils enjoyed being...

Year 8: Food Technology Lessons

Year 8 were busy creating their final assessment pieces in Food Technology last week with Mrs. Smith. The pupils have worked hard this...

Year 7: Athletics News

Jemma (Year 7), who runs with Preston Harriers, attended the YDL athletics trials over the weekend at Trafford Athletics Club. Jemma ran against...

Careers Fair

Last week,  representatives from a number of local and national organisations were on hand for pupils to chat with at our annual Careers...

School Council Meeting

The student council representatives met with Mr. Horn recently to discuss progress with the issues raised at the last meeting. It was a...