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Blackpool Zoo Project

This year we have started a new 'wellbeing project' in collaboration with Blackpool Zoo, which aims to encourage positive health and wellbeing, whilst...

Morph movie!

On Thursday 20th October Mr Smith and Mrs Yates took pupils from Year 10 Graphic Products to the National Media Museum in Bradford...

Futurechef 2017

The year 10 GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition class took part in the school heat of the Futurechef 2017 competition. The judges, Mrs...

Street Dance Group

The Street Dance Group started last Wednesday, 3.30pm to 4.30pm. We are working towards a dance piece for Dance Diva in February. Any...

Year 8 Rugby

The year 8 Rugby team took part in the North Lancashire Emerging Schools Rugby Festival on Friday 14th October at Blackburn Rugby Club.

Year of Mercy

As part of the celebration of the Year of Mercy a statue of the Sacred Heart has travelled the Diocese. Following a week...

Open Evening

Prospective pupils and their parents are invited to Our Lady's Open Evening on Thursday 6th October, 6.00pm - 8.30pm.  Mr Ranson, the headteacher,...

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Expedition

Congratulations to all those who completed their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Expedition last weekend.

English Department Tweet

Look who liked our tweet! Miss Westray's 9b1A have been writing and performing their own scripts based on Anthony Horowitz's short story, The...

Welcome Year 7

A big welcome to our new Year 7! They have made a fantastic start, entering into all areas of school life with interest,...