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Knit and Crochet Club

Over 20 pupils and 5 staff turned up for the launch of our new knit and crochet club last Friday. Thanks to the...

Staff Visitors from St Peter Claver

Following our successful staff visit to St Peter Claver High School in Tanzania last Easter, we were delighted to host an exchange visit...

OLCHS Guide Dog Puppy

After successfully raising £1500 for the Guide Dog Association last year - through the Wellbeing Day and other charity events - we were rewarded...

Year 11 Ball of 2017

Congratulations to all of our Y11 pupils who celebrated their five years at Our Lady’s in wonderful style at The Villa in Wrea...

Accelerated Reader Program

Pupils who have read over one million words this year in our Accelerated Reader program have been treated to a morning Ten Pin Bowling.  Well done...

Lancashire Book of the Year Awards

Pupils from Year 9 visited UCLAN recently to attend the Lancashire Book of the Year Awards. Authors from the short listed books were present...

Marafiki Gardening Club Harvest

On Thursday 29th June the Marafiki Gardening club had their first harvest! This was the lettuce that had been donated by Colin (a...

Year 9 Lancashire STEM Challenge Event

A year 9 team of eleven pupils represented OLCHS at the Lancashire STEM Challenge Event, held at Preston's College. Teams were involved in a variety of Science,...

Duke of Edinburgh Expedition

This year 76 year 9 students took on the challenge of completing the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Students have been attending weekly meetings...

CTA Primary Mathematics Challenge

The second CTA Primary Mathematics Challenge took place on Tuesday 27th June. Seventeen schools brought teams of four talented mathematicians to compete with one another...