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Queen Elizabeth II (1952-2022)

Following the announcement of the death of Queen Elizabeth II last night the school have marked her death and service this morning.  All...

GCSE Results Day 2022

Today saw our Year 11 pupils receive their GCSE Results. Congratulations and well done to all of them. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="157" gal_title="GCSE Results 2022"]

Columban Day

On Tuesday our Faith in Action Group were involved in a Justice and Peace Day.  This was led by James Trewby from the...

Fairtrade Coffee Morning

On Thursday 24th February we celebrated Fairtrade Fortnight with a coffee morning run by some of the Fairtrade Group. Pupils served up freshly...

OLCHS and Family of Primary Schools’ Advent Service

Please share in our Advent Liturgy prepared in partnership with our family of Catholic primary schools by clicking on the link below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yN2EgFR4ecQ

Year 11 Geography Field Trip

GCSE Geography Year 11's were excited to travel to Liverpool last week to investigate "To what extent is Liverpool a global city?" They...

GCSE Results Day 2021

Thursday 12th August saw our Year 11 pupils arrive in school to receive their GCSE Results. Well done and congratulations to all our...

The Examen – Our Lady’s Catholic High School

For those who would like to use the Examen as a daily prayer - here is a short film made by us to...

Admissions 2021

To accept or decline your offer of a place at our school please click here.