Work Skills
BTEC Certificate in Work Skills is an optional subject at Key Stage 4 and 2 is designed to provide:
- the knowledge, understanding and skills learners need to enter employment
- opportunities for learners to gain a nationally recognised qualification relating to work skills
- opportunities for learners to focus on the development of functional skills in English, Mathematics and ICT
- opportunities for learners to develop a range of skills and techniques, personal qualities and attitudes essential for successful performance in working life.
Work Skills units offer a positive focus on what the pupils can do rather than what they cannot or do not wish to do.
There are two members of staff who deliver Work Skills:
- Mrs M. Moss (Teacher of Textiles and Work Skills)
- Mrs V. Smith (Principal Teacher of Design and Technology and Teacher of Work Skills)
The Work Skills Curriculum Area has a dedicated room which has a suite of 24 computers and group tables.
Key Stage 4 Curriculum
Pupils will study 10 units over 2 years in order to gain 13 credits. Eight of the credits must be at Level 2 and the other five at Level 1 where the Level represents the degree of difficulty of the unit studied. The pupils will follow the Work Skills Work Experience Strand of the course combining units from 3 of the 4 Pathways:
- Personal Life Skills
- Sustainable Employment Skills
- Work Placement Skills
In Year 10, all pupils will study 2 core units:
- Preparing for Work Placement
- Learning from Work Placement
The other 8 units studied over the 2 years of the course will be chosen from those below:
- Managing your own money
- Applying for a job
- Preparing for interview
- Interview skills
- Self-management skills
- Effectiveness at work
- Positive attitudes and behaviours at work
- Investigating rights and responsibilities at work
- Contributing to meetings.
The certificate is internally assessed through the completion of coursework tasks made up of directed assignments after a period of guided learning. All coursework tasks must be completed to the required standard to achieve the qualification at the pass level. A variety of assessment methods may be used, including written assignments, short tests, case studies, projects, performance observation, role plays and work-based assessment. There are no examinations.
A sample of pupils work will be externally verified by an Edexcel assessor to ensure that the criteria needed to gain the Certificate have been met.
Pupils can make progression in the following areas :-
- Gaining employment using the skills learnt during the course
- Progressing to college and continueing with the course by taking further units to Diploma level along with other appropriate courses.
- Further training and education on a Modern Apprenticeship scheme.